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Altar Flowers Donation

We are accepting donation of flowers to honour a friend or family member, to remember a loved one, or to celebrate a birthday or anniversary.

To donate a floral arrangement, please contact the Parish Office (393-2407).




Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2023

"Sharing in the Mission of the Church"


Our Goal target is $ 41,000 and 180 donors. Remember that after meeting our goal a percentage is returned to the Parish.  Please be as generous as your means will allow.

Appeal slips can be received from team members after mass or the parish office.

Your Weekly Offering

We depend on your weekly offering to financially sustain our parish community.


There are two (2) ways you can give your weekly offering:


(1) Online

Use your banking app to transfer your offering(s) to:
RBC Royal Bank – Branch Palmdale Shopping Plaza number 5745

Account number is 127-840-7 RCANB Holy Family Church.

Please enclose a reference.


(2) Drop Off

Stop by the Parish Office to drop off your offering envelope(s) during office hours.


Thank you for your faithfulness to giving!




If you are interested in being a Catechist for the fall, please see Dr. Renee Mortimer or contact the parish office.  Plenty hands make light work!  



Sick and Shut-ins

This week please pray for:

Lena Jervis, Jermaine Sears, Evelyn King, Grace Roker, Alicia Rahming, E. George Moss, Denise Ferguson, Eulalie Johnson, Marie Cadet, Samuel Brennen, Talbot Ritchie, Caroline Major, Dorcas Stubbs, Hartley Neilly, Blaise Taylor, Magdlane Sargent, Barbara Ann Bethel, Margaret Lucille Ferguson, Prescott Burrows, Arnold Bain, Wilfred Bastian and Drexel Cartwright.  



Are extended to Ms. Sally Dill and Family on the death of her nephew 

Dominique Hart who died on Tuesday, July 24th, 2023.


Are extended to Mrs. Cheryl Rox and Family on the death of her son Carrington Cartwright who died on Saturday, July 29th, 2023

We pray that they will be granted eternal rest!




Wedding Anniversary

July 31st
Christopher & Edna-Mae Johnson—60 years
August 2nd
E. George & Maggie Moss—56 years
August 3rd
Gregory & Cheryl Rox—42 years
August 4th
Elrod  & Ginger Hepburn—22 years
August 5th
Jayson & Kitiboni Adderley—17 years
Darron & Samantha Bethel—17 years

Congratulations & Best Wishes

Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday!

July 30th
Martina Bosfield, Esteban Chase,
Christopher Demeritte, Nikee Oliver,

 Ethan Scott
July 31st
George Armbrister, Guiline Desilme,
Laurel Hamilton, Candia Rolle,
Edwin Scavella, Deborah Williams-Butler
August 1st
Edward Pinder
August 2nd
Dylan Cartwright, Layla Dean,

 Peyton Deveaux, Melverne Fox,

 Samuel Hepburn, Kyanna Mortimer,
Mary Mortimer, Florence Rolle,

 Sylvia Sealy-Godet
August 3rd
Monae Miller, Ansela Rahming,
Gregory Rox, Jaden Wallace
August 4th
Leslie Neely
August 5th
Bentley Hall, Linelle Taylor-Wright

Have a Great Day!





We should maintain the following items in our homes: 

  • non-perishable food (canned goods)

  • drinking water, enough to last a week

  • prescription medicines, at least a week’s supply

  • flashlights, batteries, a transistor radio, a portable phone charger

  • a manual can opener and first aid kit.

  • All important documents should be stored in a waterproof container.

Prayer during Hurricane Season: 

O Heavenly Father, all the elements of nature obey Your commands, including hurricanes. Calm the storms that threaten us and turn our fear of Your power into praise of Your goodness. We place ourselves in your caring and protective hands.

Grant this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.





Please make use of your Blue Envelope to contribute directly to our parish's loan payment.

You can place your building fund contribution in the regular collection basket at the back of the Church.

The current target for each Blue Sunday is $5,000.
If we all contribute, we can certainly reach our goal.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to giving!




August 25th, 2023

  • Are you interested in becoming Catholic?

  • Do you know someone who is?

  • Do you know someone who was baptized but never received communion or confirmation?

Contact the parish office for more information about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).



Holy Family Parish

Write Us

(242) 393-2407


Robinson Road

Nassau, Bahamas

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